
Timetables for the combi- and fast ferries to Ryfylke.

Check www.norled.no or our travel planner for car ferry timetables.

Fast ferries

Stavanger - Ryfylke express ferry (PDF)

Stavanger - Hjelmeland express ferry (PDF)


Ryfylke ferry

Finnøy ferry

Booking and payment

Fast ferries

All passengers should book tickets or reserve passage via billetter.kolumbus.no to secure their passage on board. Save 25% on an adult single ticket by using our online solution. This applies to all fast ferry and ferry departures in Ryfylke.


For the northern part of the Ryfylke ferry and for the Finnøy ferry, you can pay in the following ways:

  • Travel money on a Kolumbus card (17 % discount for traveller, 50 % discount for vehicle)
  • Business account on a Kolumbus card (17 % discount for traveller, 40 % discount for vehicle)
  • Auto pass ferry card (17 % discount for traveller, 40 % discount for vehicle with business deal, 50 % discount for vehicle with private deal)
  • In advance booking at billetter.kolumbus.no (discount depends on payment method)
  • Bank card (no discounts)

Click here to read more about the cost of transporting passengers and goods on the ferries and express ferries.

Transporting goods in Ryfylke:

  • From 1.1.2021, the combi ferry does not service Fisterøyene any more. This is replaced by a car ferry. This ferry services all the relevant islands seven days a week, contrary to the combi ferry that only had departures three days a week. It is now possible to travel to and from with a car every day.
  • It is still possible to send goods with the ferry, that has both a crane and a fork lift, but we do not offer terminal services any more. All transport of goods must be agreed upon with the crew on the ferry on phone number 902 91 406 at the latest 60 minutes prior to departure.
  • The ferry departs from Fiskepirterminalen one day a week and from Tau seven days a week.

Last updated : 20.09.2024