Prices and tickets
Single tickets
- Bus
- Train
Adult: from NOK 45
The best option for you if you only travel once in a while.
30-day ticket
- Bus
- Ferry
- Train
Adult: from NOK 680
Travel as much as you want on buses, express ferries to Byøyene/Hommersåk, the Vassøy ferry and trains.
U23 ticket
- Bus
- Ferry
- Train
NOK 299
The cheapest period ticket for 6–22-year-olds. The U23 ticket is valid for 30 days, and can be used on both day- and night routes.
Single ferry tickets
- Ferry
The price depends on the boat
Here you will also find prices for transport of goods.
24-hour ticket
- Bus
- Ferry
- Train
Adult: from NOK 100
See terms and prices for more zones by clicking read more.
7-day ticket
- Bus
- Ferry
- Train
Adult: from NOK 310
See terms and prices for more zones by clicking read more.
365-day ticket
- Bus
- Ferry
- Train
Adult: from NOK 6 800
Valid for an unlimited number of journeys with buses, ferries and trains. You only pay for ten months, but can travel for a twelve month period.
Other tickets
- Bus
- Ferry
- Train
The price depends on means of travel
Period ticket for ferries, Combi ticket and HjemJobbHjem ticket.
Free travel
- Bus
- Ferry
- Train
Children aged between 0 and 6 years old and companions for seniors or disability benefit recipients travel free of charge on buses, boats and trains.