HjemJobbHjem and privacy policy

If you work for a HjemJobbHjem company and you want to use services available through HjemJobbHjem, certain personal information about you is treated.

What does the service involve?

HjemJobbhjem is a joint effort by Kolumbus AS, Bysykkelen AS, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Rogaland County Municipality and the municipalities Stavanger, Sandnes, Sola and Randaberg. The development of the service is administered by Kolumbus AS.

Our purpose is make it easier to leave the car at home from time to time through offering products and services within public transport, bicycling and walking. We want the companies to use HjemJobbHjem as a tool to motivate employees to change travel habits in connection with the work commute. Employees start their everyday activity, improve their health and lower their travel expenses. Furthermore, we can help companies fulfil environmental demands though determined mobility work. This follows the government's zero growth policy, which says that all growth in transport is to be done by public transport, bicycle and walking.

We offer employees of HjemJobbhjem companies access to purchase the HjemJobbhjem ticket in the Kolumbus ticket app, use of the City bike for an hour at a time and a development plan to facilitate a better mobility service.

To offer this mobility service, HjemJobbHjem has to treat personal data. The data we recieve about you from you employer is treated according to the requirements in the personal data act, which makes the EU's GDPR part of the Norwegian law. We also comply to the the industry standards for privacy policy and information security for electronic ticketing.

What we treat

The data we collect about consist of name, e-mail address, cell phone number and the name of the company you work for. The information is collected by your employer.


We handle personal data in two ways related to the HjemJobb Hjem service. Firstly, the HjemJobbHjem service treats personal data to follow up the agreements between the HjemJobbhjem company and service providers connected to the agreement. Only employees at HjemJobbHjem companies are allowed to buy the HjemJobbHjem ticket and are given access to using the City bike without extra charge for a certain period of time. We therefore have to be able to identify the user as an employee at a HjemJobbHjem company in the Kolumbus ticket app.

Secondly, personal data are treated in order to send out a yearly travel habit survey via e-mail.

For the company that you work for to be able to enter into an agreement with HjemJobbHjem, it is required that 75 % of the employees answer a travel habit survey. This is sent to the e-mail address provided to us by your employer. If the company you work for does not qualify to become a HjemJobbHjem company, we will immediately delete the information we have received about you.

When the HjemJobbHjem agreement is activated, all employees recieve information via SMS.

We use name, the name of the company you work for and cell phone number to administer the customer relation and to give you the possibility to buy the HjemJobbhjem ticket and to use the City bike for free in the ticket app. Only the cell phone number is used to link employees between Skynet and the Kolumbus ticket app.

We use the e-mail address to send you the travel habit survey and a news and motivational e-mail 2-4 times per year (depending on events/need for information). This is settled throught the company agreement.

Legal basis

The HjemJobbHjem service's treatment of personal information in order to provide access to transport means and administer the customer relation take place according to GDRP article 6 no. 1 letter f (eligible interests). Our eligible interests are to ensure environmentally friendly and effective transport, as well as facilitating for as many members of the arrangement as possible.

The travel habit survey can be done in accordance with public interests, which gives the basis to treat personal information for statistical or research related purposes (personal data act § 8 and GDRP article 6  no. 1 letter e).


The access to your personal data is limited to those who need it. We have data protection agreements with providers we use to run the services. Anonymised information will be used to create statistic presentations.

Information can be handed over to the University of Stavanger and NORCE, who will use it to create statistic and research related material. No information about specific persons is interesting in this instance. This is only data from the travel habit surveys.

Storing and deleting

As long as the company you work for is a HjemJobbHjem company and you have not asked the HjemJobbhjem contact to delete your information, we will store the mentioned data about you.

When your employer deletes you from Skynet or we are asked to delete data about you, only data received from you employer will be deleted. Information you have provided yourself such as your cell phone number in the ticket app will not be deleted, and this is something you have to do yourself. This means you can still buy tickets in the app, but not the HjemJobbHjem ticket.

Your rights

You have the right to see, correct or delete information store about you, and to move information to a new responsible for the handling. You also have the right to limited handling until alleged wrongful information about you is corrected, and to protest against the handling.

Read more about your rights and how you can ask for insight or deleting on the main page for privacy policy on kolumbus.no.

Last updated : 20.09.2022