Customer service and privacy policy
Here you will find information on how Kolumbus handles your personal information if you contact us through our contact form, by telephone or on social media.
Contact form
Normally, Kolumbus does not need sensitive personal information to treat your inquiry. If you still have to send us such information, we recommend that it be sent via mail for security reasons.
If you contact us via the contact form here at, we will handle the following data about you:
Customer information: These are contact data such as name, address, telephone number and/or e-mail.
Description of you inquiry: Your Kolumbus card number or the app ID and eventual travel information or payment information that are relevant to the case.
If you reach out ot us by phone about a case that needs processing, the same applies.
Legal basis
The handling of data is necessary to follow up a customer agreement with you.
The information is handled so that we can settle your case. The information is handled as long as you as customer are able to complain to the national Transport Complaint Handling Body.
Access and use
There is a limited number of users that can access the information you give us via the contact form. We do not pass your information on to a third party unless we are ordered to do so by public authorities. The exception is inquiries about damage cases, that are handed over to the bus or boat contractor.
Storing and deleting
The customer information and the description of your inquiry are stored in our customer service software for up to 380 days. After 380 days, your information is anonymised. We do this to be able to follow up your case and to process an eventual complaint to the Transport Complaint Handling Body (complaint deadline is one year after you have received a final answer from Kolumbus in a case).
Social media
If you get in touch via Twitter or Facebook, your inquiry is registered as a case in Boomerang and/or Hootsuite. These are software programs that simplifies sending the inquiry on to the correct department in Kolumbus, as well coordinating the answering. It is only the name that you have registered in the social media you contact us through that will be stored in the two programs.
Remember not to give up sensitive and personal information on neither yourself nor others in social meida, as these are accessible for everyone. This includes information such as app-ID, Kolumbus card number, case number or pictures of others that have not given their consent to publishing.
Last updated : 20.09.2022