Campaigns and privacy policy
Here you will find information on how Kolumbus handles you personal data in connection with campaigns and competitions.
This is what we handle
Kolumbus can treat data about you such as name, address, age, phone number and/or e-mail address if you choose to participate in one of our marketing campaigns or competitions. We only store the information if you have given your consent.
The purpose of the registering and handling of personal data in connection with campaigns and competitions is to be able to contact you if you win, and to contact you for questions and surveys.
Legal basis
You can withdraw you consent to us storing personal data at any time by sending us an e-mail or using the contact form at
Send e-mail to
Send inquiry via our contact form
Access and use
Kolumbus is data controller for you personal data. The access is limited strictly to those who need it.
You have the right to insight into and correction and deleting of information stored about you. Read more about your rights here. Kolumbus will not hand over information stored about you to a third party unless we are ordered to do so by public authorities.
Storing and deleting
Personal data in connection with campaigns will be stored for 100 days after registration. After this, the data will be deleted. We will also delete your data if you withdraw you consent to storing data.
Last updated : 20.09.2022