Bus booking and privacy policy

Here you will find information on how Kolumbus handles your personal information when you book a bus departure at www.kolumbus.no/reise/bestillingsruter/bestillingsruter-i-ryfylke-nord.

When you book a bus departure tickets on www.kolumbus.no/reise/bestillingsruter/bestillingsruter-i-ryfylke-nord, you are asked to provide customer information that we need to ensure that you get on board the departure in question.

This is what we handle

If you book a bus departure online, we handle the following personal data:

Customer information: These are contact data such as name, address, cell phone number and e-mail address.

Travel information: We store where and when you are travelling to provide you with your departure.

We only handle the information after you have provided your consent. You can at any time withdraw this consent. Customer information and travel information are stored in separate data bases, and there is limited access to the data.


The purpose of registering and handling the personal data and travel information is to be able to drive the departure you request, and for us to be able to contact you if there are changes for you journey.

Access and use

The access to the customer and travel information is limited. The information is passed on to the operator for them to be able to run the departure you need. We will not hand your information on to a fourth party as long as we are not ordered to so by public authorities.

The information is used to provide you with the bus departure you have requested.

Storing and deleting

You customer information is stored for as long as you have given your consent. The travel information is automatically deleted 100 days after the journey date.

Last updated : 20.09.2022